Foods that can help ease Arthritis Pain

If you find yourself with aching joints are making music like snap crackle and pop when standing, sitting or moving you may have arthritis. If you have arthritis it is beneficial to your health to be in range of the suggested weight for your height and age. Extra pounds especially in the abdomen will add pressure on your joints.
The foods you choose to eat may help ease the pain of arthritis, make your joints healthier and control your weight. Adding these foods to your diet will not cure you but can make life less painful. 

1. Fatty fish (salmon, herring, and sardines) or any other food with omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, soy beans, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds
The Omega-3's decrease the production of chemicals that spread inflammation, plus they inhibit enzymes that trigger it.  4 ounces Fatty fish also contain vitamin D, which helps prevent swelling and soreness. Another easy healthy fix: Add walnuts (2.27 grams per quarter cup) to a salad or flax seed (two tablespoons has 3.51 grams) to your cereal.

2. Extra-virgin Olive oil  
Olive oil contains oleocanthal, which blocks enzymes involved in inflammation.
About 3 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil acts like one-tenth of a dose of ibuprofen, according to a study at the Monnell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. That may not be much, but small dietary changes add up.

3. Fruits & Vegetables that are high in Vitamin C  

Broccoli, Cauliflower, Sweet peppers, citrus fruits ……                 
Vitamin C protects collagen, a major component of cartilage. Inadequate amounts may increase your risk for some kinds of arthritis . A Canadian study of 1,317 men found that those who got 1,500 milligrams of vitamin C through food or supplements daily had a 45% lower risk of gout (a painful condition also known as gouty arthritis) than those who consumed less than 250 milligrams a day.

4. Brazil nuts  
Brazil nuts contain huge amounts of selenium – 272 micrograms in just three or four nuts, compared to 63 micrograms in 3 ounces of tuna.

5. Onions and leeks    
Onions and leeks contain quercetin, an antioxidant that may inhibit inflammatory chemicals.
Other foods high in quercetin are kale, cherry tomatoes or apples. Add a ½ cup or more of these fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.

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Homemade Pumpkins Seeds Make a Great Snack!

Pumpkin Seeds are high in protein and fiber and full of antioxidants. After carving your pumpkin with the family, reserve the pumpkin seeds to make a tasty snack.

One large pumpkin yields approximately 1  cup of seeds    

Remove the seeds from pumpkin pulp and stings and wash in cool water to remove remaining residue. Rinse and let seed soak in clean water for 12 hours. Drain and lay pumpkin seeds on a baking sheet, then place in a 150-200˚ F oven to dry out. 

Place in the dry seeds in a bowl and season.

Natural: Mix dry pumpkin seeds with 1Tablespoons grapeseed oil and 1 heaping teaspoon of sea salt and ½ tsp ground black pepper

Fall Harvest Spice: Mix dry pumpkin seeds with 1/2 Tablespoon Grapeseed oil, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. nutmeg, 1/4 tsp. cloves, 1/8 tsp. ginger, 1 tsp brown sugar.

Mole : Mix pumpkin seeds with  Tbsp brown sugar, ½  tsp cinnamon, ½ Tbsp Ancho chili,  powder, 1½  Tbsp Cocoa, 1 Tbsp finely ground coffee beans , pinch sea salt and ½ tbsp of grapeseed oil

Cajun: Mix pumpkin seeds with garlic grapeseed oil, 1 tbsp Cajun seasoning and a pinch of salt and pepper.

Pre-heat oven to 400˚ F.  
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread seasoned pumpkin seeds evenly on the parchment paper. Bake the pumpkin seeds for 12-15 minutes turning seeds with spatula intermittently while roasting. Seeds should be crisp and fragrant. 

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