Fight a Cold with Zinc

Zinc Did you know?

To fight a cold

Zinc works better than vitamin C to put the brakes on a cold.

Yes, Vitamin C boost the immunity, but studies show zinc shortens a cold by a day and a half.

Just start taking Zinc supplements or comsuning Zinc enriched  foods within 48 hours of the first tickle in your throat.

Oysters and  Wheat Germ are foods that have the highest percentage of Zinc.

Check out these recipe to help shorten your cold .

Oyster Stew

Oyster Stew

Spinach Parmesan Oysters

Spinach Parmesan Oysters

Thai Vegetable Curry with Wheat Germ
Thai Vegetable Curry

Chocolate Truffle Pie with Wheat Germ Crust

Chocolate Truffle Pie with Wheat Germ Crust

Lobster and Crab are also high in Zinc.

Zinc is an essential mineral required by the body for maintaining a sense of smell, keeping a healthy immune system, building proteins,
triggering enzymes, and creating DNA. Zinc also helps the cells in your body communicate by functioning as a neurotransmitter.
The body does not store Zinc.

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